Terms & Conditions
This agreement shall constitute and set guidelines for the terms of service for any contract agreed between the Company (Above & Beyond Homes Ltd) and the Purchaser. Upon accepting a quotation provided by the Company and proceeding to receive Goods or Services by the Company, the Customer automatically agreed to the terms and conditions stated on this page.
1.0 General
1.1 Above & Beyond Homes Ltd reserve the right to amend product our product range at any time. We reserve the right to correct any omission or error in any of our sales literate, online information, customer paperwork or other documents without liability.
1.2 Every attempt has been made to ensure colours and imagery provided are as accurate as possible, but due to printing and discrepancies in settings between third party browsers and devices, colours, finishes and detailing on any digital content provided may differ compared to the finished product.
If there is any doubt about representation of the product, we advise customers request physical samples where possible to avoid any confusion prior to placing the order.
1.3 As part of Above & Beyond Homes’ installation service, we take pre and post photographs for record and marketing purposes. By agreeing to the Above & Beyond Terms and Conditions, the Purchaser accepts that the Company may use imagery under their digital ownership providing it does not break any privacy or data protection laws and regulations. Should any Customer object to this condition, they must advise the Company in writing as soon as possible.
2.0 Goods
2.1 Goods are described as per the Supplier’s marketing documentation, website and advice and are subject to availability.
2.2 Suppliers, and therefore the Company reserve the right to amend the specification of the Goods if required by any applicable statutory or regulatory requirements.
2.3 As all goods are in the first instances procured by the Supplier from the manufacturer there may be differences in the colours and finishes of multiple products supplied. The Supplier and Company can accept no responsibility for such deference but will endeavour to ensure that where the Customer orders multiple products to the same specification, they are the best matched available in the Company supply chain.
2.4 The Customer when purchasing goods from the Company, acknowledges that there may be health and safety requirements pertaining to the products and their application, and as such accepts all responsibility to ensure all the liability for the consequences of its actions when using the Goods and that the Company accepts no responsibility for the actions of the Customer in the misuse or mishandling of the Goods.
3.0 Service
3.1 The Company can offer a full survey, delivery and installation service. If opted for by the Customer, the Company are responsible for the accurate dimensions taken to ensure the Goods fit in the aperture in accordance to the product’s guidelines.
3.2 Customers are to be present at the property during any site visit conducted by the Company to provide access and to be given satisfaction inspections of the finished Goods and Service.
3.3 If the opening aperture is amended or compromise post survey being complete by the Company, the Company will not accept responsibility for the Goods not fitting in the desired aperture or in accordance to the product guidelines.
3.4 If in the event where an internal finished floor level is not present, the Company and Customer can agree on a FFL (finished floor level) which will be documented on the Customers documentation.
3.5 The structural opening must be present upon arrival for the survey and installation being carried out. If the opening if not complete or ready without prior notification.
3.6 If there are any electrical cable or wires running through the existing aperture, it is the responsibility of the Customer to ensure these are disconnected and/or removed to avoid damage or hazard to the operatives on-site. The Company will take no responsibility or cost implications to damages incurred from this. Where possible to identify, the Company will inform the customer or any potential hazards, though this is not always possible and visible.
3.7 All doorbells, alarms, sensors and connecting wires in or around the area or product being replace must be removed/disconnected prior to installation. It is the responsibility of the Customer to have this removed and reconnected as this is not included in our service. Any special requests made by the Customer on site to the operatives do so at their own risk and the Company will not accept liability of damages incurred.
3.8 On the survey visit, the surveyor will check to see if the aperture has an appropriate supporting lintel present. This is a Statutory Requirement of Building Regulations and cannot be skipped or refused and is the responsibility of the Customer as it is their property. If the Customer cannot have this building work done by the Company or by a third party, any deposits paid towards the cost of survey AND the goods cannot be refunded in full. Any costs incurred for a cancellation due to this will be at a cost only value from the Company.
3.9 Certain dwellings such as flats/apartments which have doors leading into a shared access points may require a FD30 fire rated product which is a legal requirement. Above & Beyond Homes can supply these products but it may come at an additional cost to the any quotations provided on a product not covered for this legal requirement. It is the responsibility of the Customer to check their buildings’ requirements prior to a survey taking place.
3.10 Any wasted visits made at the fault of the Customer can incur further charges to cover the costs of overheads, labour, fuel and materials if applicable. The Company may charged a fixed fee of £50.00 for survey/service visits + 45p per mile if outside the TS postcode OR up to 50% of the installation rate charge + 45p per mile if outside the TS postcode.
3.11 Our standard installation service includes fixing frames directly to brick/block work, expanding foam products will only be used where excessive voids are to be made good to prevent draught ingress. In the absence of alternative instructions (and at the discretion of the installers), we will typically finish with uPVC architraves/trims (colour matched to the frames), silicone sealed and ‘make good’ any consequent wear and tear damages within 2” (inches) / 50mm of the Goods supplied.
3.12 For the purpose of each installation or service carried out by the Company, ‘Make Good’ is defined as patching up any damages to the plaster, render or brickwork within, but no more of 2” inches / 50mm around the area/Goods supplied. Any damages beyond the ‘Make Good’ guideline, if it can be carried out by the Company, may come at an additional cost to the Customer, or have to be carried out by a third party with no cost liability to the Company providing reasonable due care and attention has been taken and the damage in question is unforeseen or is wear and tear of the practice carried out beyond the fitters control.
Examples: The Company would not be liable for plaster damage beyond 2” inches of the frame, cracked or damaged tiles due to the vibrations caused from removing/installing products, wires or electrical devices hidden or connected around the frames, gas/water pipes in or around the door unforeseen to the operatives.
3.13 Additional work can be requested by the Customer at any point during the contract but may come at an additional costs. This includes, but is not limited to, additional facias boards, trims, timber infills, bespoke colour finishes and silicone, or additional ‘Make Good’ requirements.
4.0 Price & Payment
4.1 The price of the Goods and Services will always be the full price and specify if any VAT or additional applicable charges in the quotations or documentation provided.
4.2 The Company may, by giving notice with approval, at any time up to twenty (20) business days before delivery or installation due to increase of costs from the supplier, taxes or duties, labour costs or other manufacturing costs.
4.3 Deposits may be requested depending on the order type and value up to 50% of the total contract value prior to the goods being ordered with the manufacturer. All deposits taken are to cover the raw cost of materials, if any cancellation requests are submitted by the Customer, the costs incurred at the specific point of the manufacturing process may be considered against the deposit used and therefore will be partially/fully non-refundable depending on the value.
4.4 Unless otherwise advised, final balance/outstanding payments are to be made in full on completion of the delivered goods to site or installation of goods to site. If the Customer has any discrepancies about the finishing or service provided, final balances cannot be withheld beyond the value of £200 / 20% of the contract value (whatever is higher).
4.5 Any additional work requests are to be paid in full upon completion regardless if other work non-related to the specific additional work has been complete.
4.6 Preferred methods of payment is by cash or bank transfer. Receipts for payments can be provided upon request.
4.7 Any relevant documentation, warranty approvals or certification from third party bodies will not be registered or provided until payment has been made in full.
5.0 Quality & Warranty
5.1 The Company will provide a detailed product warranty for any Goods provided to the Customer which is available to view online on the Warranties page on the footer of the website at www.AboveandBeyondHomes.co.uk
5.2 The Company shall perform the installation service with reasonable skill and care and that the workmanship of the service will, for a period of 5 years from the date of the service being provided. Any service calls required after this installation warranty period will incur a nominal charge.
5.3 Quality of the Goods supplied is to be inspected by the customer and any concerns of cosmetic damages must be reported within 24 hours or the Goods being supplied or installed to site. Any cosmetic damages reported outside of this period will be treated on a case by case scenario and can be considered as mishandled/wear and tear after this point.
5.4 Any defects in glazing provided will be reviewed in lines to the GGF guidelines set by industry standards that can be found online and on the Warranties page available on our website.
5.5 Any Goods covered under warranty for faulty parts, materials or workmanship will be replaced free of charge providing the Customer is still within their installation warranty period. If the installation warranty has expired, the said parts to remedy the fault in the Goods will be supplied free of charge but a service charge may incur.
5.6 Any Goods which have been modified by the Customer will void any and all warranties given on the Goods and Service provided.
5.7 Any Goods which have not been maintained in-lines to the product maintenance guidelines provided will not be covered if at fault of any defects or operational issues that occur.
5.8 Some aspects of the products supplied are subject to ‘wear and tear’ and are considered inevitable effects of everyday use. In these instances, Above & Beyond Homes will charge accordingly for the request of any replacement items and/or service visits to rectify or service products. These would include, but are not limited to;
Door drip bars becoming loose or scratched.
End caps falling off the end of weather bars and/or cills.
Door realignments, screw tightening, moving parts lubrication.
Scratched/dented thresholds, cills, hardware.
5.9 Any goods seen to have defected or faulty operation will be replaced accordingly providing the part in question is covered under warranty. Installation of the said goods will be provided free of charge providing the Customer is still under installation warranty.
5.10 In occasions where parts are covered under warranty but the Customer no longer holds an installation warranty, a fixed service charge will be invoiced to the customer if they wish for Above & Beyond Homes to carry out the replacement.
5.11 Any replacement parts for goods delivered and replaced under warranty will not extend any warranty the Customer has.
6.0 Force Majeure / Failure to Perform
6.1 Neither party shall be in breach of Contract nor liable for delay in completion or performing services of any of its obligations from a Force Majeure Event. An example of this, but not limited to is; Acts of God, War, Strikes, Lockouts, Floods, Fires, Breakdown of Plant or Machinery, Shortage of Materials from Natural Sources, resulting in the failure or delay of parties being able to deliver and/or install the goods/services of the Contract. The Company or Customer shall be entitled to a reasonable extension of its obligation and agreed timescale in these circumstances.
6.2 If the period of delay continues for 3 consequent weeks, either party may terminate the Contract giving 7 days notice to the opposite party.
7.0 Cancellation & Termination
7.1 Due to the Goods provided in this service being bespoke made and are manufactured in accordance to the customers instructions of smaller timescales and turnarounds, any notification to Above & Beyond Homes of intentions to cancel or terminate a contract may incur a manufacturing fee if the construction of the product has begun by the supplier. This fee is to be passed onto the customer at a raw cost with no additional profits or fees added on by the Company.
7.2 In addition to 13.1, if cancellation is requested, Above & Beyond Homes may withhold the deposit which is non-refundable to cover the cost of labour, time and materials that may have already been used on the said Contract.
7.3 If a site visit has been made, Above & Beyond Homes may charged a fixed survey/site visit fee to the customer to cover expenses of labour and fuel to carry out part of the service provided. This will not be voided for the following reasons;
Absence of structural support to the customers aperture (such as lintels).
Requirement of FD30 Fire Regulated Doors which incur a larger contract value.
Lack of funds available from the Customer.
Extended leadtimes in accordance to 6.0
7.4 If in the unlikely event cancellation was requested, a written email must be submitted to info@aboveandbeyondhomes.co.uk with the request to do so.
7.5 Above & Beyond Homes reserve the right to cancel/terminate any contract at any stage of the process providing adequate reasoning is given. All payments received in this scenario will be refunded in full.
8.0 Compensation
8.1 Any requests for compensation must be made in writing to info@aboveandbeyondhomes.co.uk with a full overview of the reason and the amount the Customer is requesting. We will endeavour to respond to any of these requests in a timely manner and with consideration, but we must advice that we will not compensate for any of the following;
Losses incurred due to missed or late appointments.
Losses incurred due to time off work or the use of holiday pay (including any remedial visits).
Appointments which are cancelled on the day of installation due to illness, product damage or defects.
Failed deliveries or longer lead-times than originally advertised.
Labour costs incurred direct, or through a third party.
Installations which require further site visits to complete the contract.
8.2 In the unlikely event customers are making compensation requests, any outstanding balances to the contract should be paid as normal until the compensation is considered by Above & Beyond Homes and their partnered suppliers (if relevant). Any compensation agreed will be refunded back to the customer once reviewed.
9.0 Dispute & Complaints
9.1 Should any customer have concerns or complaints about a service received by Above & Beyond Homes, they can submit a written complaint in writing to the companies registered address, or via email to info@aboveandbeyondhomes.co.uk Please ensure you reference your name, address and reference number (if relevant) so we can allocate which job you are writing in relation to.
9.2 Any complaints submitted will be read, investigated and responded to within a period of 2-3 weeks depending on the length of the complaint.
9.3 Any complaints submitted in relation to product faults must be supported with documented images or videos to give a full understanding of the issue you are facing.